Jambalaya Writers Conference 2017

One of the things that has been instrumental in my writer’s journey has been attending writers’ conferences. There is no faster, easier—and more fun—way to gain access to the publishing world. Over the past four years, I have attended at least 12 writers conferences—all within driving distance! Some were cheap, some were expensive, but all […]

How to Tackle your First Pass Edits – Part Two: Management

By the time I’d finished organizing my notes for my revision, I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I couldn’t wait to finally get started on the actual editing, and on the other hand, I was already exhausted. After all, I still had a long way to go. I had the entire manuscript to still […]

How to Tackle your First Pass Edits – Part One: Organization

  Before getting a book deal, I’d heard many author friends complain about the dreaded “editorial letter.” How many pages was it going to be this time? What parts of their precious manuscript were they going to have to cut because the pacing was too slow? …and other nerve-wracking questions. I had one author friend […]

How I Got My Book Deal and Agent

I know every new author has one of these blog posts, and I think they all say roughly the same three things: Knowledge: I fumbled around online, read blogs, and went to conferences. Timing: I talked to the right agent at the right time at the right conference or submitted to the right contest. Perseverance: […]

And So It Begins

My first blog post on my brand-spanking-new website. Thanks to my lovely and talented web designer friend, Meaghan Mulligan, I finally have one. (Lady, you are out-of-this-world beautiful, and more than I could ever deserve.) Anyway, dear reader, this is an introductory blog post where I will try my best to give you a general […]

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